Flyers and Handouts
Download useful flyers, handouts, and tips.
We've assembled some of our most popular and useful information in the following documents to help you learn about and use Kadee® products.
Kadee® Monthly Flyer
March Flyer (3.15 MB)
Kadee® Catalog
Kadee® Catalog (17.9 MB)
Important Handouts
These handouts address the most common questions we receive. The handouts are required reading for anyone new to model railroading. These handouts are great reference material for current railroaders.
Coupler Primer Handout (588 KB)
Adapting Delayed-Action Couplers (105 KB)
Magne-Matic® Uncoupling Handout (159 KB)
HOn3 Scale Handouts
HOn3 Couplers (4439 KB)
HOn3 Scale Trucks Handout (4439 KB)
HOn3 Scale Height Gauge Handout (1406 KB)
HO Scale Handouts
HO Scale Conversion List (102 KB)
HO-Scale Coupler Information (588 KB)
HO Scale Coupler Chart (115 KB)
HO Scale Coupler Handout (368 KB)
HO Scale 20-Series Handout (257 KB)
HO Scale 30-Series Handout (289 KB)
HO Scale Trucks & Wheels Handout (5647 KB)
HO Scale Logcar Handout (2605 KB)
HO Scale Kit Car Handout (2605 KB)
HO Scale Detail Parts Handout (2605 KB)
HO Scale Height Gauge Handout (1406 KB)
HO Scale Tank Car Handout (2483 KB)
HO Scale Pre-50 PS-1 Handout (3649 KB)
HO Kadee® Twin "Rail Spiker" Handout (1484 KB)
Coupler Evolution Poster (1541 KB)
S-O Scale Handouts
S-O Scale Couplers Handout (1073 KB)
S-O Scale Height Gauge Handout (1406 KB)
O Scale Trucks Handout (1406 KB)
Large Scale Handouts (#1 & G Scale)
Large Scale Conversion List (155 KB)
Large Scale Product Guide (2387 KB)
Large Scale Coupler Chart (479 KB)
Large Scale Trucks and Wheels Handout (1368 KB)
Large Scale Height Gauge Handout (1406 KB)
Large Scale Kadee® RC Flyer (1368 KB)
Large Scale Kadee® RC Info (1797 KB)
Other Handouts
Kadee® Tap & Drill Handout (25 KB)
Kadee® Spring Specifications (25 KB)
Kadee® Price List
Kadee® Price List (152 KB)
Kadee® Price List Short (88 KB)