Flyers and Handouts

Download useful flyers, handouts, and tips.
We've assembled some of our most popular and useful information in the following documents to help you learn about and use Kadee® products.

Kadee® Monthly Flyer

March Flyer   (3.15 MB)

Kadee® Catalog

Kadee® Catalog   (17.9 MB)

Important Handouts

These handouts address the most common questions we receive. The handouts are required reading for anyone new to model railroading. These handouts are great reference material for current railroaders.

HOn3 Scale Handouts

HOn3 Couplers   (4439 KB)

HO Scale Handouts

S-O Scale Handouts

Large Scale Handouts (#1 & G Scale)

Other Handouts

Kadee® Price List