Large Scale Coupler Reference Charts
What's the Difference Between #1 and G?
We have two sizes of large scale couplers our #1 scale couplers are 1:32 scale ratio and our "G" scale couplers are larger at 1:22.5 scale ratio.
Our G scale #830 and newer #906 are the most common couplers used for body mounting and the #831 and newer #909 are used for most common truck mounting.
Couplers with Mounting Solutions
G Scale |
#1 Scale |
Description |
Original |
Original |
905 #905 Coupler with Sill Mount Pocket |
779 #779 Coupler with Sill Mount Pocket |
1905 #1905 Coupler with Sill Mount Pocket |
1779 #1779 Coupler with Sill Mount Pocket |
Centerset Couplers with Sill Mount Pockets. (1 Pair) Note: AAR Type “E” couplers are modified for sill mount pocket clearance. |
781 #781 Coupler with Pilot & Truck Gearbox |
1781 #1781 Coupler with Pilot & Truck Gearbox |
Coupler Conversion - Centerset Coupler & Medium Offset Coupler
with Pilot Pocket Gearbox & Truck Mount Type Gearbox. (1 Pair) |
782 #782 Modified Coupler with Mounting Bracket |
1782 #1782 Modified Coupler with Mounting Bracket |
Coupler Conversion - Modified Couplers with Mounting Brackets (1 Pair) |
783 #783 Coupler Conversion |
1783 #1783 Coupler Conversion |
Coupler Conversion - Modified Coupler with Mounting Bracket & Large Offset Coupler with Truck Mount Type Gearbox. (1 Pair) |
1784 #1784 Coupler Conversion |
Coupler Conversion - Large Offset Couplers with Truck Mount Type Gearboxes. (1 Pair) |
785 #785 Coupler Conversion |
1785 #1785 Coupler Conversion |
Coupler Conversion - Large Offset Couplers with Truck Mount Type Gearboxes. (1 Pair) |
786 #786 Coupler Conversion |
1786 #1786 Coupler Conversion |
Coupler Conversion - Medium Offset Couplers with Swinging Type Gearboxes. (1 Pair) |
908 #908 Coupler Conversion |
787 #787 Coupler Conversion |
1908 #1908 Coupler Conversion |
1787 #1787 Coupler Conversion |
Coupler Conversion - Medium Offset Couplers with Truck Mount Type Gearboxes. (1 Pair) |
788 #788 Coupler Conversion |
1788 #1788 Coupler Conversion |
Coupler Conversion - Medium Offset Couplers with Truck Mount Type Gearboxes. (1 Pair) |
907 #907 Coupler with Truck Gearbox |
789 #789 Coupler with Truck Gearbox |
1907 #1907 Coupler with Truck Gearbox |
1789 #1789 Coupler with Truck Gearbox |
Centerset Couplers with Truck Mount Type Gearboxes. (1 Pair) |
790 #790 Coupler Conversion |
1790 #1790 Coupler Conversion |
Coupler Conversion - Large Offset Coupler & Modified Medium Offset Coupler with Truck Mount Type Gearboxes. (1 Pair) |
791 #791 Coupler with Pilot and Truck Gearbox |
1791 #1791 Coupler with Pilot and Truck Gearbox |
Large Offset Coupler & Centerset Coupler with Pilot Pocket Gearbox & Truck Mount Type Gearbox. (1 Pair) |
792 #792 Coupler Conversion |
1792 #1792 Coupler Conversion |
Coupler Conversion - Large Offset Couplers with Truck Mount Type Gearboxes. (1 Pair) |
793 #793 Coupler Conversion |
1793 #1793 Coupler Conversion |
Coupler Conversion - Large Offset Coupler & Medium Offset Coupler with Truck Mount Type Gearboxes. (1 Pair) |
794 | 1794 |
Large Offset Coupler & Medium Offset Coupler with Truck Mount Type Gearbox & Swinging Type Gearbox. (1 Pair) |
795 | 1795 |
Coupler Conversion - Large Offset Couplers with Swinging Type Gearboxes. (1 Pair) |
796 #796 Coupler Conversion |
1796 |
Large Offset Couplers with Truck Mount Type Gearbox & Swinging Type Gearbox. (1 Pair) |
797 #797 Coupler Conversion |
1797 #1797 Coupler Conversion |
Large Offset Couplers with Swinging Type Gearboxes. (1 Pair) |
798 #798 Coupler Conversion |
1798 #1798 Coupler Conversion |
Coupler Conversion - Large Offset Couplers with Truck Mount Type Gearboxes. (1 Pair) |
799 #799 Coupler Conversion |
1799 #1799 Coupler Conversion |
Coupler Conversion - Large Offset Couplers with Truck Mount Type Gearboxes. (1 Pair) |
906 / #906 or #906R Coupler with Gearbox |
830 / #830 or #930 Coupler with Gearbox |
1906 / #1906 or #1906R Coupler with Gearbox |
820 / #820 or #920 Coupler with Gearbox |
Straight Centerset Shank Couplers with Standard Body Mount Gearboxes (820-Black) (920-Rust) (830-Black) (930-Rust) (906-Black) (906R-Rust) (1906-Black) (1906R-Rust) (1 Pair) |
1917 #1917 Coupler with Short Gearbox |
821 / #821 or #921 with Short Gearbox |
Centerset Short Shank Couplers with Extra Short Gearboxes(821-Black) (921-Rust) (1 Pair) |
824 |
Coupler Conversion - Straight Centerset Shank Couplers with Standard Gearboxes (1 Pair) |
909 #909 Coupler with Truck Gearbox |
831 #831 Coupler with Truck Gearbox |
1909 #1909 Coupler with Truck Gearbox |
1831 #1831 Coupler with Truck Gearbox |
Large Offset Couplers with Truck Mount Type Gearboxes (1 Pair) |
832 #832 Coupler with Swinging Gearbox |
1832 #1832 Coupler with Swinging Gearbox |
Large Offset Couplers with Swinging Type Gearboxes (1 Pair) |
833 #833 Coupler Conversion |
1833 #1833 Coupler Conversion |
Coupler Conversion - Large Offset Couplers with Truck Mount Type Gearboxes (1 Pair) |
834 | 1834 |
Coupler Conversion - Large Offset Couplers with Truck Mount Type Gearboxes (1 Pair) |
835 #835 Coupler with Short Gearbox |
1835 #1835 Coupler with Short Gearbox |
Centerset Couplers with Short Gearboxes (1 Pair) |
836 #836 Coupler with Short Gearbox |
1836 #1836 Coupler with Short Gearbox |
Medium Offset Couplers with Short Gearboxes (1 Pair) |
837 #837 Coupler with Short Gearbox |
1837 #1837 Coupler with Short Gearbox |
Large Offset Couplers with Short Gearboxes (1 Pair) |
Couplers Only
G Scale |
#1 Scale |
Description |
Original |
Original |
900 / #900 or #900R Coupler |
1900 / #1900 or #1900R Coupler |
Straight Centerset Shank AAR Type "E" Couplers (900-Black) (900R-Rust) (1900-Black) (1900R-Rust) (1 Pair) |
901 #901 Coupler |
1850 #1850 Coupler |
1901 #1901 Coupler |
1840 #1840 Coupler |
Centerset Couplers (AAR Type "E" Couplers (1 Pair) ("Original Style" Couplers (2 Pair) |
902 #902 Coupler |
1902 #1902 Coupler |
1838 #1838 Coupler |
Medium Offset Couplers (AAR Type "E" Couplers (1 Pair) ("Original Style" Couplers (2 Pair) |
903 #903 Coupler |
1903 #1903 Coupler |
1839 #1839 Coupler |
Large Offset Couplers (AAR Type "E" Couplers (1 Pair) ("Original Style" Couplers (2 Pair) |
904 #904 Coupler |
1904 #1904 Coupler |
822 |
Straight Shank Couplers Stationary Mounting (1 Pair) |
823 #823 Coupler |
Straight Thick Shank Couplers Stationary Mounting (1 Pair) |
916 #916 Coupler |
1916 #1916 Coupler |
Bachmann® Loco with Dovetail Shank AAR Type "E" Couplers (1 Pair) |
Gearboxes, Flex Brackets, & Mounting Platforms
G Scale |
#1 Scale |
Description |
882 #882 Flex Bracket |
Flex-brackets for #820, #920 or #1906 Couplers (1 Pair) |
883 #883 Flex Bracket |
Flex-brackets for #830, #930 or #906 Couplers (1 Pair) |
881 #881 Conversion Platform |
Conversion Platforms for mounting #882 or #883 Flex-brackets on Aristo-Craft™ Heavyweight Passenger Car (1 Pair) |
884 #884 Conversion Platform |
Conversion Platforms for mounting #820, #830, #930, (1 Pair) |
910 / #910 or #910R Gearbox |
#830 (type) Gear boxes for G-Scale Straight Centerset Shank Couplers #900 AAR Type "E" Couplers (910-Black) (910R-Rust) (1 Pair) |
911 #911 Gearbox |
#831 (type) Gear boxes for #1 & G Scale Centerset, Medium Offset, Large Offset Couplers (1 Pair) |
912 #912 Gearbox |
#835 (type) Gear boxes for #1 & G Scale Centerset, Medium Offset, Large Offset Couplers (1 Pair) |
913 #913 Gearbox |
#832 (type) Gear boxes for #1 & G Scale Centerset, Medium Offset, Large Offset Couplers (1 Pair) |
915 #915 Gearbox |
#791 & 831 Gear boxes #1 & G Scale #791 for Centerset, Couplers #831 for Centerset, Medium Offset, Large Offset Couplers (1 Each) |
1920 / #1920 or #1920R Gearbox |
#820 (type) Gear boxes for 1-Scale Straight Centerset Shank Couplers #1900 AAR Type "E" Couplers (1920-Black) (1920R-Rust) (1 Pair) |